Environmental and Natural Resources Law
We live in a complex world. From technology to the interdependence of economics, businesses and governments are faced with balancing the management of our resources with our rights to use them. This complexity is also found in federal, state and local regulations to protect and allocate resources. This presents governments, individuals and businesses with difficult and potentially costly management challenges.
Here’s how we see it: Natural resources are available for our use, but we have a responsibility to comply with the rules that protect them. Our firm effectively manages the tension between the two to craft solutions for our clients. We are able to do so because of our experience as regulators and scientists, and because we are problem solvers. It makes us different.
We work with your team to efficiently manage and resolve the issues you encounter at every level of government. Whether you need approval or relief from the government, to resolve compliance issues, or advice on your specific circumstances, we will be there to help through the process. We assist our clients in a variety of matters involving the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Marine Fisheries Service, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Florida’s Water Management Districts and multiple other federal, state and local regulatory agencies. We can help you understand how the Clean Water Act, the Endangered Species Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, and the seemingly infinite array of other federal, state, and local environmental laws and regulation affect your business, property and rights. We are ready to defend those rights through litigation, when necessary.
Our unique blend of training and experience include:
- Air Quality: Air Emissions Permitting and Enforcement, Noise Pollution and Indoor Air Quality
- Asbestos Assessment and Abatement
- Basin Management Action Plans (BMAPs)
- Brownfields area designations and Brownfield Site Rehabilitation Agreement (BSRA) execution
- Brownfields Redevelopment, and State and federal Brownfields incentives, including grant and tax credit applications
- Brownfields legislation and rule development
- Clean Water Act permitting and administrative, civil and criminal representation
- Coastal Construction
- Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) negotiation, corrective actions and cost recovery
- Consumptive Use
- Docks and Marinas
- Dry-Cleaning Solvent Contamination and Regulation
- Environmental Due Diligence in Real Estate (Purchase and Leasing) and Business Transactions
- Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) review and liability evaluation
- Evaluation of environmental risks in transactions
- Contracting to ensure indemnification or to preserve client rights
- Environmental assessment and remediation
- Environmental Permitting and Enforcement
- Everglades
- Habitat protection
- Hazardous waste management and disposal
- Industrial and domestic waste
- Landfill and recycling facility permitting
- Mitigation banking
- Mold Assessments and Cleanups
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance and litigation
- Negotiation of consent agreements and permit conditions
- Noise pollution
- Permitting and enforcement
- Petroleum and Chemical Storage Tank Contamination and Regulation
- Public-Private Partnerships (P3)
- Protected species
- Radon assessments and mitigation
- Regulatory response development and penalty negotiation
- Rivers and Harbors Act
- Rulemaking and Administrative Rule Challenges
- Site location and assessment
- Soil, Surface Water and Groundwater Assessment and Remediation
- Sovereign submerged lands
- Stormwater permitting, management, and planning
- Superfund, Hazardous and Solid Waste
- Sustainability
- Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)
- Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRTKA) reporting
- Water rights
- Water quality issues and investigations
- Wetlands permitting
For more information about this practice area, contact Robert Angus Williams, Chair or Lauren D. Brooks, Vice Chair.
Click here for news updates.
- Robert Angus Williams Chair – Environmental and Natural Resources Law
- Lauren D. Brooks Vice-Chair – Environmental and Natural Resources Law
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